Reflexology is a natural healing therapy in which the foot is the source of healing. Reflexology is based on the premise that your body’s organs, internal and external body parts are all connected to specific areas of the foot and hand. By applying pressure to these specific reflex areas on your foot and hand the corresponding organs, nerves or body parts will become stimulated. This stimulation allows your body’s organs and body parts to heal itself. There are many benefits of reflexology and the 5 most common benefits are: reflexology is noninvasive and can be performed by you on yourself. Reflexology reduces stress and tension. Reflexology stimulates circulation and helps the body to detoxify. Reflexology is great for pain relief especially from headaches. Lastly reflexology benefits your body by aiding your digestive system.
The benefits of reflexology are explained in detail below:
1. Reflexology’s aim to restore the body to its normal functioning involves no major expenses, no special equipment, no drugs and medication. And the results can be felt almost immediately. All you need is a reflexology chart and/or book to guide you find the correct reflex points on your foot or hand. There are online reflexology courses that will teach you how to do reflexology on yourself or on others. Though foot reflexology is much more popular, for DIY purposes the hand sometimes is much easier to work on. Reflexology socks or gloves can also be used for beginners. They are fairly inexpensive and they have all the pressure points are marked on them already.
2. Reflexology decreases the stress and tension in the body, by applying pressure to specific reflex areas of your foot. The main area the reflexologist works is the sinus, eyes, throat and head reflexes to reduce the tension.
3. With reflexology, your body relaxes and your blood and lymph circulation increases. Consequently the cells of the body get cleansed and nourished, and the organs and glands of the body are revitalized. Reflexology treatment on the liver and kidney reflexes encourages the elimination of toxins from the body.
4. Pain relief especially from headaches, is the most useful of benefits. Sinus headaches specifically benefit from reflexology treatments. There are some DIY hand reflexology treatments that are very effective for these headaches. One treatment involves using a golf ball or any ball that is similar in size and hardness, to provide pressure to specific reflex areas on the hand to provide relief from a headache.
5. Acid reflux, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, are just some of the digestive disorders that reflexology can help with. For specific problems as these you would get the most benefit by going to a qualified reflexologist for treatments. Initially a number of regular treatments would be required for you to get some relief and then you would only go for maintenance treatments.
As you have read reflexology can benefit the body in many ways. Only 5 of the top benefits have been explained. There are many other symptoms/problems that can benefit from reflexology. Reflexology is a therapeutic and preventative therapy that involves applying specific finger and thumb pressure techniques to the foot or hand reflexes in order to create an environment within the body that allows it to heal itself.
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