Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Reflexology- The Therapeutic Massage

Reflexology is and alternative health therapy, which involves massaging the foot, hand and sometimes the ears. The basis of reflexology is that the foot represent the whole body in miniature and that applying pressure to specific areas of the foot will improve the functioning of specific organs in the body and improves the general well being of an individual.

In reflexology the body is divided into longitudinal zones or meridians. Each zone or meridian runs from the head to the toes and fingers. The body’s energy, flows through these reflexology zones/ meridians and all the body parts and major organs that fall within each pathway are linked to each other and most importantly to the “reflex” area of the foot and hands. There are numerous reflexology foot and hand charts that show which parts of the feet/ hands are connected to which body parts and organs.. An example taken from the reflexology foot chart is that the tip of the toes on the foot represents the head and neck area - the ears, eyes, nose and throat. It is believed that disease is caused by blockages within these zones. Thus reflexology concentrates on using pressure techniques on the reflexes of the foot, hands and ears, in order to clear out any blockages, which in turn reduces stress and tension within the body. The overall effect of a reflexology treatment is to create a state of balance within the body, that allows the body to heal itself and be healed.

Reflexology treatments usually last between 40 minutes and an hour. Because reflexology is holistic in nature, the reflexologist will start the session by working on the entire foot and then target specific areas of the foot. Areas on the foot that require extra work are usually parts of the foot that feel tight and sensitive during the reflexology treatment.

Everyone from the very young to the old can benefit from reflexology. Reflexology provides pain relief, especially from migraines and sinus problems. Reflexology is also beneficial for digestive and circulatory problems. Reflexology increases the blood and lymph circulation through out the body, which creates an environment that allows the body to heal itself more effectively. Reflexology also stimulates the body to detoxify. Therefore some people may experience side effects from a reflexology treatment. Some people become very lethargic where as others may feel nauseous or get a headache. Patients are advised to drink lots of water after a reflexology treatment to help the kidneys flush out the toxins.

Reflexology is a holistic alternative therapy that is preventive and therapeutic in nature. It does this by applying pressure on the reflex areas of the foot and hands in order to create a state of balance and harmony in the body.
Learn Reflexology at Home!

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